Tag: Quality System

ISO14001: 2015

As with the revision of ISO9001, ISO14001 Environmental Management Systems is also undergoing revision, the planned publication date being early 2015. Here is a link to an LRQA Whitepaper providing background on the likely changes to the document. LRQA WHITEPAPER As with ISO9001 we are keeping our eyes on the revisions to enable us to… read more

ISO9001: 2015

You may or may not be aware that ISO9001 is currently undergoing revision with a planned publication date of late 2015.  Certification Bodies are already providing guidance on what the likely changes will be.  Here is a link to the new BSI Whitepaper which provides some background history and some idea of the likely changes… read more

Basic Controls

BS5750 and subsequently ISO9001 has been around since the 1980’s and the impact on how quality is viewed within the UK has changed dramatically in that time. Despite this I can still find myself implementing basic process controls within established companies.   These are controls that are essential to provide a platform for a Quality… read more